RISE Yoga is a sytem of intelligent, inclusive and enlivening yoga practices for a healthy, resilient, awake body and mind. RISE Yoga invites you to:

  • Discover the potential of your own body for awakening
  • Live with more freedom and ease
  • Express your unique gifts and purpose as a being
  • Go deeper into your relationship with yourself
  • Go deeper into the practice of yoga, and what that really means for you.

RISE Yoga is in the lineage of Embodied Flow - a system of transformational yoga that invites you into the deepest sense of self, and elicits the experience of stepping into flow as meditation in action.

The philosophy of RISE arises from Kashmir Shaivite Tantra - a system of ancient practices to weave the strands of our human and spiritual nature into a unified whole. We believe the Divine is both of this world and beyond it, and that we're each a unique expression of the whole. Practicing RISE Yoga is all about awakening to this truth.

Most RISE Yoga immersions consist of two sets of five-day intensives, where the group comes together to practice, learn and awaken in a beautiful natural setting.

After completing a 100hr immersion, those who want to go on and teach yoga can choose to do a Rise Yoga 100hr Teacher Training (TT) programme. Combined, the 100hr immersion plus the 100hr TT make up a full 200hr yoga teaching certification that enables you to register with the Yoga Alliance.



If you’re interested in deepening your yoga knowledge, expanding your toolbox for life and being part of a like-minded community, RISE Yoga’s immersion programme is for you. It's a safe and nurturing environment for exploration and self-discovery, with the highest quality of a yoga education (without the hefty price tag of a yoga teacher training). And if you're relatively new to yoga, that's absolutely fine - a RISE Yoga immersion will simply fast-track your journey into the practice.

In RISE Yoga's immersions we choose a beautiful natural setting and bring together a limited-size group of curious people who are ready to question, explore and shake things up. We create spaces where we feel that we belong, and where we feel fundamentally home within our bodies. We inspire hope, belief and trust. We move and be moved, challenge and be challenged, with the perfect blend of practical knowledge and spiritual purpose.

We examine how we doubt ourselves and suffer, and alchemize it with awareness, vulnerability, acceptance and love. We create boundaries to find a framework for freedom, and we crack our perspective wide open. We come together to laugh and deepen our joy and shed our pain. We find stillness. We find stability and clarity. We articulate and bring into being all that's possible within, while revelling in how truly magical - and similar - we actually are.


This is RISE Yoga’s signature 200hr foundational yoga teacher training, registered by the Yoga Alliance, and affiliated with the international school of Embodied FlowTM.

This well-established training led by Adele Kinghan is grounded in dynamic hatha yoga techniques and tantric teachings, backed by several years experience facilitating transformative trainings with the highest standards of education and application.

This training is for existing teachers who would like to polish their skills, particularly when it comes to philosophy, embodied anatomy and creative theming and sequencing, as well as offering those who are exploring the possibility of teaching with a comprehensive foundation in the nuts and bolts of teaching for different populations, including community-based yoga, in an authentic and inspiring way.